Apple entitled to potential ongoing royalties from patent-infringing Samsung products

26-11-2014 Print this page
B913369 bericht: "In an order filed late Tuesday, U.S. District Court Judge Lucy Koh granted in part Apple's motion requesting ongoing royalties from Samsung, though there is only a slight chance that Apple will find reason to collect.

Judge Koh's ruling awards Apple ongoing post-judgment royalties on possible continuing sales of Samsung models found in infringement of three Apple patents, as well as future products similar to those already found to infringe. [...]

As noted by FOSS Patents' Florian Mueller, a distinction must be made in that Apple is not guaranteed royalties from future Samsung sales, but may potentially seek payments on ruled infringed products and only under very narrow circumstances. Specifically, as it pertains to products adjudicated during trial proceedings, Apple would have to prove Samsung continued to sell offending devices post judgment and that these devices infringed its patents in the same way a trial jury decided in May."

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