Wikipedia refuses to delete photo as 'monkey owns it'

07-08-2014 Print this page
B913138 bericht: "British nature photographer David Slater was in Indonesia in 2011 attempting to get the perfect image of a crested black macaque when one of the animals came up to investigate his equipment, hijacked a camera and took hundreds of selfies. [...]

In its report Wikimedia said that it "does not agree" that the photographer owns the copyright, but also that US law means that "non-human authors" do not have the right to automatic copyright of any photographs that they take.

"To claim copyright, the photographer would have had to make substantial contributions to the final image, and even then, they'd only have copyright for those alterations, not the underlying image. This means that there was no one on whom to bestow copyright, so the image falls into the public domain," it said."

Lees hier meer. Bekijk de foto's op Wikipedia hier en hier.