Wereld IE Dag 2012: Hebzucht & Plagiaat

26-04-2012 Print this page

B9 11142. Nee, 'Hebzucht & Plagiaat' is natuurlijk niet het originele thema van de Wereld IE Dag 2012, net zomin als 'Kwade Opzet & Kwade Trouw' of  'IE & Georganiseerde Misdaad'.  Na zeer begeesterde thema’s als ‘Celebrating Innovation And Respecting IP’, ‘Designing the Future’ en Innovation-Linking The World’, is 'Visionary Innovators'in 2012 het officiële thema van de jaarlijks Wereld IE Dag.

In de woorden van WIPO Directeur Generaal Francis Gurry: “World Intellectual Property Day is an opportunity to celebrate the contribution that intellectual property makes to innovation and cultural creation. This year the theme of World IP Day is visionary innovators – people whose innovations transform our lives. Their impact is enormous. They can, at times, change the way society operates. Behind many extraordinary innovations there are extraordinary human stories. (…) Yet inventions or innovations - in the health field for example – are of relatively little value to society unless they can be used and shared. This is the great policy dilemma.I believe we should look upon intellectual property as an empowering mechanism to address these challenges.

Meer achtergronden, informatie, posters en activiteiten hier (WIPO).