According to various legal criteria

08-05-2011 Print this page

B9 9630. Merkenrecht. OHIM: Nuttig overzicht in 50 pagina’s van alle belangrijke beslissingen van de Kamer van Beroep van het OHIM uit 2010. 

Yearly Overview Decisions of the Boards of Appeal  (2010). In 2010, the Boards of Appeal of the Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market (Trade Marks and Designs) made 1787 decisions on appeal cases, 389 in ex parte proceedings and 1398 in inter partes proceedings. Another 14 appeals were closed without the need of a decision. In total, 2570 appeals were filed in 2010. (…) The overview is structured according to various legal criteria, such as procedural issues or grounds for refusal. It contains references to selected decisions of the Boards of Appeal which have been made in 2010 in these areas.”

Lees het rapport hier.