ACTA toch niet naar Hof van Justitie EU?

27-03-2012 Print this page

B9 11008. Laatste ACTA nieuws. Commissie Internationale handel van het Europese Parlement stemt tegen voorleggen ACTA-verdrag aan Hof van Justitie EU. Enkele berichten:

The European Parliament votes against submitting ACTA for court review. Will deal with the treaty itself.   A Vote Today the European Parliament decided not to submit the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) treaty to the European Court of Justice (ECJ) for review. Instead it will rule on ACTA itself. David Martin, the UK minister that has taken on the rapporteur role for ACTA in the European Parliament, tweeted the news, adding that following some more discussion, we might expect a final decision on the controversial agreement soon. Lees hier meer (The Inquirer).

No second EU court question for ACTA. The European Parliament's Committee for International Trade (INTA), the lead committee on ACTA, has rejected a call for it to ask the Court of Justice of the EU whether the trade deal is legal. INTA today rejected the proposal, put forward by the committee's rapporteur, David Martin (Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats, UK), by 21 votes to 5. Two MEPs abstained. Today's vote means that the European Parliament will revert to its original timetable for debating ACTA. INTA's rapporteur will present his recommendation to the Committee on April 26. It will vote on May 30 and all MEPs are set to discuss the deal in June or July. Lees hier meer (Managing Intellectual Property).

EU Parliament votes against delaying ACTA decision. The EU Parliament has voted not to refer the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) to the European Court of Justice (ECoJ), meaning the bill's final fate will be decided this summer.  In a 21 to five vote, the European Parliament's international trade committee ruled not to stall the final decision on the controversial anti-couterfeiting proposal. The decision has since been welcomed by activist groups. Lees hier meer (V3).

EU-Kommission hält unbeirrt an ACTA fest Update. Ein Sachstandsbericht der Europäischen Kommission befasst sich mit der voraussichtlichen Unterzeichnung und Ratifizierung des stark umstrittenen Anti-Piraterie- und Urheberrechtsschutz-Abkommens ACTA. In dem Bericht, der heise online zugespielt wurde, wird der Bürgerprotest als "aggressive pan-europäische Kampagne" gegen ACTA bezeichnet, die von einer demokratisch nicht legitimierten Internetgemeinde getragen werde. Dabei würden auch Cyber-Angriffe eingesetzt. Seitens der Kommission wird erwartet, dass die Prüfung von ACTA von dem europäischen Gerichtshof zügig erfolge und danach die verbliebenen fünf EU-Staaten das Abkommen unterzeichnen. Lees hier meer (Heise).

Website EP Trade Committee (INTA): ACTA: International Trade Committee vote on Court of Justice referral. Should the European Parliament refer the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) to the European Court of Justice? The International Trade Committee, Parliament's lead committee on ACTA, will vote its recommendation in a meeting starting at 15.00 today.