European Commission: two new IP-roadmaps

23-02-2012 Print this page

B9 10830. “What would be the ingredients of a magic formula for better IPR enforcement on the Internet? Has the time come for a horizontal harmonization for notifying and acting on illegal on line content?  (…) the European Commission is willing to pose the first bricks for the construction of a more effective policy for IPR enforcement and regulating illegal content.
(…) This policy is briefly explained by two new roadmaps (the “Proposal for a Revision of the Directive of Intellectual Property Rights” roadmap (link) and the “Initiative on procedures for notifying and acting on illegal online content” (Notice & Takedown) roadmap (link)“ which give a first description of the planned Commission initiatives and set out the planned impact assessment work.
Lees hier meer (Sinodinou, Kluwer Copyrightblog).