Horse couture

20-10-2011 Print this page

B9 10305. Gerecht EU, 20 oktober 2011, zaak T-238/10, Scatizza tegen OHIM / Jacinto.

Merkenrecht. EU-oppositieprocedure o.g.v. Portugees  nationaal woord/beeldmerk HORSE (lederwaren, zadels, zwepen) tegen de inschrijving van de aanvraag voor het  woord/beeldmerk  ‘Horse Couture’ (lederwaren). Wellicht opmerkelijke uitkomst: de oppositie wordt toegewezen. Geen beschrijvende onderdelen, soortgelijke waren en de begripsmatige en auditieve overeenstemming  compenseert de visuele verschillen.

43 (…) the view must be taken that, in the minds of the relevant public, those trade marks are similar. Moreover, it must be recalled that the goods covered by the marks at issue are either identical or similar.

(…) 45 The claim relating to the descriptive character of the word element ‘horse’ cannot be upheld. First, it must be pointed out that, while the Board of Appeal did indeed take into account the word element ‘horse’ to establish that the marks at issue were similar, it also took into account the fact that those two marks featured a figurative element depicting a horse. Second, it must be recalled that, contrary to what the applicant claims, the word element ‘horse’ cannot be considered to be descriptive of the goods at issue, as is clear from paragraph 27 above [not in any way related to horses – B9].

(…) 47/48. (…) In any event, it must be held that the degree of similarity between the marks at issue is such as to lead to the conclusion that a likelihood of confusion exists irrespective of whether or not the visual aspect is more important than the other aspects. (…) Indeed, the visual differences between the marks at issue are offset by the fact that the marks are conceptually identical and phonetically similar, and also by the identity or similarity of the goods concerned. Therefore, the differences between the marks are not sufficient to remove a likelihood of confusion in the minds of the relevant public.

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