Kroes: We are now likely to be in a world without SOPA and without ACTA

04-05-2012 Print this page

B9 11184. Neelie Kroes (Commissie EU): Speech  Re:publica conference ‘The European public on the Net’, Berlin, 4 May 2012.

“Yes the Internet should be open; and yes it should be free. But that is not the same as being a lawless wild west. We have recently seen how many thousands of people are willing to protest against rules which they see as constraining the openness and innovation of the Internet. This is a strong new political voice. And as a force for openness, I welcome it, even if I do not always agree with everything it says on every subject. We are now likely to be in a world without SOPA and without ACTA. Now we need to find solutions to make the Internet a place of freedom, openness, and innovation fit for all citizens, not just for the techno avant-garde.

Lees de gehele speech hier.