Maquinaria agrícola ganadera

11-05-2011 Print this page

B9 9647. Gerecht EU, 11 mei 2011, zaak T-74/10 Flaco-Geräte  tegen OHIM/Delgado Sánchez

Merkenrecht. Oppositie op grond van Spaanse merk  FLACO (voor, volgens het Gerecht correct uit het  Spaans vertaald, ‘agricultural cattle machinery’) tegen gemeenschapsmerkaanvrage woordmerk FLACO (melkmachines). Het Gerecht volgt het oordeel van het OHIM en wijst de oppositie toe. Identieke merken voor identieke waren. Aantonen verwarringsgevaar is niet meer nodig.

47. (…) the heading ‘agricultural cattle machinery’ is broad enough to include the ‘milking machines and fittings, automatic milking devices; washing machines for milking machines’ referred to in the Community trade mark application.

49 (…) Therefore, since the marks at issue are identical and cover identical goods, the trade mark application had to be rejected pursuant to Article 8(1)(a) of Regulation No 207/2009, and there was no need to consider whether there was a likelihood of confusion, within the meaning of Article 8(1)(b).

50. It would have been necessary to consider whether there existed a likelihood of confusion only in the event, considered by the Board of Appeal in the alternative, that the goods covered by the mark applied for, namely ‘washing machines for milking machines’, were not included in the goods covered by the earlier mark.

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