Prejudiciële vraag: merkinbreuk in gehele EU bij verwarringsgevaar in slechts een aantal lidstaten?

29-06-2015 Print this page

Zaak C-223/15: Combit Software. Prejudiciële vraag Oberlandesgericht Düsseldorf - Duitsland.

Merkenrecht. "A request for a preliminary ruling in a case which concerns the registration of a trademark to be used by a computer programming company and the likelihood of confusion due to an aural similarity."

Prejudiciële vragen: "In determining the likelihood of confusion of a Community word mark, what is the significance of a situation in which, from the perspective of the average consumer in some Member States, the aural similarity of the Community trade mark with another sign claimed to infringe that trade mark is eliminated by a difference in meaning, whereas from the perspective of the average consumer in other Member States it is not:

(a) In determining the likelihood of confusion is the perspective of some Member States, of the other Member States, or that of a fictive EU average consumer decisive?

(b) If there is a likelihood of confusion only in some Member States, has the Community trade mark been infringed across the European Union, or must the Member States be differentiated individually?"

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