The signs are different

29-09-2011 Print this page

B9 10200. Gerecht EU, 29 september 2011, zaak T-107/10, Procter & Gamble Manufacturing Cologne tegen  OHMI / Natura Cosméticos.

Merkenrecht. EU-oppositie o.g.v. het nationale merk en gemeenschapsmerk VIVA (cosmetica) tegen de inschrijving van het woordmerk  NATURAVIVA. Oppositie afgewezen: de tekens stemmen eenvoudigweg onvoldoende overeen.

48. The applicant’s argument that, in the present case, the consumer will not attach greater importance to the first part of the mark applied for, on account of its weak distinctive character, is immaterial. In so far as the elements ‘natura’ and ‘viva’, which together constitute the mark applied for, are of weak distinctive character, as mentioned in paragraphs 40 and 41 above, the case-law cited by the applicant does not apply to the present case.

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