Voorstel Richtlijn Verweesde Werken

27-05-2011 Print this page

B9 9731. Europese Commissie, COM(2011) 289 final, 2011/0136 (COD) Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on certain permitted uses of orphan works.

Na de aankondiging en de bekendmaking van het voorstel voor de nieuwe IER-Douaneverordening en het uitgewerkte voorstel van de Europese Commissie voor de grondige herziening van het Europese IE recht: de zogenoemde 'IER-strategie'. Nu ook het voorstel voor een richtlijn met betrekking tot bepaalde vormen van toegestaan gebruik van verweesde werken.

This proposal's key objective is to allow libraries and similar bodies which have public interest aims like education or the preservation and diffusion of cultural heritage to lawfully make available and reproduce orphan works. The implementation of the proposal should be conducted in line with the policy objectives and international copyright law. The Commission will monitor the short, mid and long term impacts.

In the short term, the Commission will ensure that orphan works legislation is adopted in all the Member States. In the mid-term, the Commission will assess whether the system of mutual recognition will provide for pan-European access to digital libraries from anywhere across the EU. In the longterm, the Commission will assess the extent to which orphan works legislation has contributed to the overall development of pan-European digital libraries.

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